Minimally Invasive Surgery

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Dr. Namrata Shah and Dr. Namrata Shah & Dr. Dhaval Shah offers minimally invasive surgical treatment options at Saavi Women's Hospital, Ahmedabad, we offer state of the art infrastructure for laparoscopic surgeries, with latest instruments and doctor with an experience of >25years. Minimally invasive surgery is now a gold standard in treating most of the gynaecological disorders. Schedule a consultation today!

What is laparoscopy surgery?

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure performed through very small incisions in the abdomen, using specialised instruments. The abdominal cavity is inflated with carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and distended. A pencil-thin instrument called a laparoscope is used; it has lenses like a telescope to magnify body structures, a powerful light to illuminate them, and a miniature video camera. The camera sends images of the inside of the body to a TV monitor in the operating room. Specialised surgical instruments can be inserted through the small incisions nearby. This type of surgery is called ‘minimal access’ because of the very small incisions used. Yet major procedures can now be performed using this technique.

What is hysteroscopy surgery?

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is used to look inside the uterus. If an abnormal condition is detected during the diagnostic procedure, operative hysteroscopy can often be performed to correct it at the same time, avoiding the need for a second surgery. Hysteroscopy provides treatment of uterus problems ( excessive bleeding, polyp, fibroid, septum , misplaced Cu-T , incomplete abortion ) without cutting abdomenal wall .

What are the conditions that can be performed through – MIS ( Minimal invasive surgery ) at Saavi Women's Hospital, Ahmedabad?

All kind of gynaecological disorders like uterus removal, endometriosis, removal of fibroids, pelvic repairs, removal of ovarian cyst, Infertility treatment, permanent method of contraception, and cancer surgery. Hysteroscopic surgeries such as fibroids, polyp and septum.

Different types of minimally invasive surgeries performed at Saavi Women's Hospital, Ahmedabad.


Advantages of laparoscopic surgery

  • It is performed through tiny incision 5mm
  • Minimal pain
  • Minimal blood loss as compared to traditional open surgery
  • Minimal blood transfusion rate
  • Rapid recovery after surgery
  • Shorter hospital stay and early return to routine activity
  • Excellent cosmetic result, scar less surgery
  • Least chances of hernia formation
  • No adhesion formation compared to abdominal hysterectomy

Cost of laparoscpic surgery at Saavi Women's Hospital, Ahmedabad

The cost of laparoscopic treatment in Ahmedabad depends on the specific procedures and treatments needed. Dr. Namrata Shah & Dr. Namrata Shah & Dr. Dhaval Shah will discuss the cost and payment options with you during your consultation.