Recurrent and late miscarriage: tests and treatment of couples

Symptoms of Miscarriage

Symptoms of Miscarriage

  • If you lose a baby before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage.
  • If this happens in the first 3 months of pregnancy, it is known as an early miscarriage. Unfortunately, early miscarriages are common, with 10–20 in 100 (10–20%) pregnancies ending this way.
  • Late miscarriages, after 3 months of pregnancy but before 24 weeks, are less common: 1–2 in 100 (1–2%) pregnancies end in a late miscarriage.

  • When a miscarriage happens three or more times in a row, it is called recurrent miscarriage. Recurrent miscarriage affects 1 in 100 (1%) couples trying to have a baby.

Symptoms of Miscarriage

Symptoms of Miscarriage

  • Sometimes there is a reason found for recurrent and late miscarriage.

  • In most of other cases, no underlying problem can be found. Most couples are likely to have a successful pregnancy in the future, particularly if test results are normal.

  • There are a number of factors that may play a part in causing recurrent and late miscarriage:

  • Age:

    • The older you are, the greater your risk of having a miscarriage. If the woman is aged over 40, more than 1 in 2 pregnancies end in a miscarriage.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and thrombophilia:

    • APS (a syndrome that makes your blood more likely to clot) and thrombophilia are uncommon but is cause of recurrent miscarriage and late miscarriage.
  • Genetic factors

    • In about 2–5 in 100 couples (2–5%) with recurrent miscarriage, one partner will have anabnormality on one of their chromosomes (the genetic structures within our cells that contain our DNA and the features we inherit from our parents). Although this may not affect the parent, it can sometimes cause a miscarriage.
  • Weak cervix

    • Weakness of the cervix is known to be a cause of miscarriage from 14 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. can be difficult to diagnose when you are not pregnant. It may be suspected if in a previous pregnancy your waters broke early, or if the neck of the womb opened without any pain.
  • Developmental problems of the baby

    • Some abnormalities of the baby may lead to a miscarriage but are unlikely to be the cause ofrecurrent miscarriage.
  • Infection

    • Any infection that makes you very unwell can cause a miscarriage. Milder infections that affect thebaby can also cause a miscarriage. The role of infections in recurrent miscarriage is unclear.
  • Shape of the uterus

    • It is not clear how much an abnormally shaped uterus contributes to recurrent miscarriage or latemiscarriages. However, minor variations do not appear to cause miscarriage.
  • Diabetes and thyroid problems

    • Diabetes or thyroid disorders can be factors in miscarriages. They do not cause recurrentmiscarriage, as long as they are treated and kept under control.
  • Immune factors

    • It has been suggested that some women miscarry because their immune system does not respond to the baby in the usual way. This is known as an alloimmune reaction. There is no clear evidence to support this theory at present. Further research is needed.

  • Being overweight increases the risk of miscarriage. Smoking and too much caffeine may also increase the risk. Excessive alcohol is known to be harmful to a developing baby and drinking five or more units a week may increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • The chance of a further miscarriage increases slightly with each miscarriage. Women with three miscarriages in a row have a 4 in 10 chance of having another one. This means that 6 out of 10 women (60%) in this situation will go on to have a baby next time.

  • Finding out whether there is a cause for your recurrent miscarriage or late miscarriage is important as your doctor will be able to give you an idea about your likelihood of having a successful pregnancy. In a small number of cases there may be treatment available to help you.

Blood tests:

  • For APS. APS is diagnosed if you test positive on two occasions 12 weeks apart, before you become pregnant again.
  • To check you and your partner’s chromosomes for abnormalities. You may be offered this test if your baby has been shown to have abnormal chromosomes.

Tests for abnormalities in the baby

  • You can be offered tests to check for abnormalities in your baby’s chromosomes. This is not always possible but may help to determine your chance of miscarrying again.
  • If you have had a late miscarriage you may also be offered a postmortem examination of your baby.

Tests for abnormalities in the shape of your uterus

  • Following tests help us diagnosing abnormalities of uterus.
    • Hysteroscopy ( a procedure to examine the uterus through a small telescope which is passed through the vagina and cervix ).
    • A laparoscopy (a procedure in which a surgeon uses a fine telescope to look inside the abdomen and pelvis).
    • All above tests are part of routine protocol at our SAAVI women’s hospital.

Treatment for APS

  • If you have APS and have had recurrent miscarriage or a late miscarriage, treatment with low-dose aspirin tablets and heparin injections in pregnancy increases your chance of having a baby. Aspirin and heparin make your blood less likely to clot and are safe to take in pregnancy.
  • Having APS means you are at increased risk of complications during pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, problems with your baby’s growth and premature birth. You should be carefully monitored so that you can be offered treatment for any problems that arise.

Treatment for thrombophilia

  • If you have an inherited tendency to blood clotting (thrombophilia) and have had a miscarriage between 12 and 24 weeks of pregnancy, you should be offered treatment with heparin.
  • At present there is not enough evidence to say whether heparin will reduce your chance of miscarriage if you have had early miscarriages (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy). However, you may be still offered the treatment to reduce the risk of a blood clot during pregnancy. Your doctor will discuss what would be recommended in your particular case.

Referral for genetic counselling

  • If either you or your partner has a chromosome abnormality, you should be offered the chance to see a specialist called a clinical geneticist. They will discuss with you what your chances are for future pregnancies and will explain what your choices are. This is known as genetic counselling.

Monitoring and treatment for a weak cervix

  • If you have had a miscarriage between 14 and 24 weeks and have a diagnosis of a weak cervix, you may be offered an operation to put a stitch in your cervix . This is usually done through the vagina at 13 or 14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • If it is unclear whether your late miscarriage was caused by a weak cervix, you may be offered vaginal ultrasound scans during your pregnancy to measure the length of your cervix. This may give information on how likely you are to miscarry. If your cervix is shorter than it should be before 24 weeks of pregnancy, you may be offered an operation to put a stitch in your cervix.

Surgery to the uterus

  • If an abnormality is found in your uterus, you may be offered an operation to correct this.

Hormone treatment

  • Taking progesterone or human chorionic gonadotrophin hormones early in pregnancy has been tried to prevent recurrent miscarriage.

  • Where there does not appear to be a cause for recurrent miscarriage or late miscarriage, there is currently no evidence that heparin and aspirin treatment reduces the chance of a further miscarriage. For that reason this treatment is not recommended in these circumstances.
  • But as there is no harm in giving above medicines, sometime your doctor may suggest you to take medicines (Aspirin, Progesterone, and Heparin).

  • Your doctor will talk to you both about your particular situation and your likelihood of having a further miscarriage and a successful pregnancy. If a cause has been found, possible treatment options will be offered to you to improve your chance of a successful pregnancy.
  • Women who have supportive care from an early pregnancy from the beginning of a pregnancy have a better chance of a successful birth. * For couples where no cause for recurrent miscarriage has been found, 75 in 100 (75%) will have a successful pregnancy with this care.
  • It is worth remembering that the majority of couples will have a successful pregnancy the next time even after three miscarriages in a row.

  • This information aims to helps you make the best decision regarding your care. It is not meant to replace advice from a doctor about your own situation.